Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Genre: Fantasy/Action/Adventure/Drama

Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralf Fiennes, Gemma Arterton

A remake of the 1981 film with the same name, the movie narrates the story of Perseus (Worthington) the illegitimate son of Zeus (Neeson). Zeus created the human species and made them in such a fashion that all the gods lived on human worshipping. All except for Hades (Fiennes) who was tricked by Zeus and was sent to rule the underworld. Humans are angry with the gods and have stopped worshipping them because of which the gods grow weak. In a bid to restore order on Earth, Hades commands the king of Argos to sacrifice his daughter else he would send the Kraken to destroy the city. Perseus holds a grudge with Zeus for killing the family that brought him up. Along with a group of soldiers, he sets out on a quest to find a way to destroy the Kraken and teach the gods a lesson. After watching Percy Jackson quite recently, the story sounds quite similar and the only difference being is that Percy Jackson is set in modern America and not Ancient Greece. The movie does a reasonably fair job which makes the movie watchable but not outright lovable. The Action sequences were not thrilling enough and the plot execution made the movie highly predictable.

Thumbs up: Special Effects
Thumbs down: Average story, action sequences

Rating: 6.5/10


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