Friday, 25 June 2010

Genre: Crime/Mystery/Drama/Thriller

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Michelle Williams

Boston Harbour Islands, 1954. A war fort on Shutter Island is converted into the Ashcliffe Hospital for the criminally insane. A dangerous criminal inmate, Rachel Solando, has mysteriously escaped from the island without a trace. US Marshal Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) and his partner Chuck (Ruffalo) are sent to investigate the escape and find Rachel. Teddy does not get a very good feeling about the hospital and suspects that there is something happening here that is unacceptable. Dr. Cawley (Kingsley) the head psychiatrist refuses to comply with Ted's demands to interrogate patients and doctors and go through medical files and history, which only cements Ted's belief that Dr. Cawley has something to hide. His investigations reveal that Rachel Solando might have been purposely set free or had never existed. The move gives out an amazing feel and the story grips you right when it starts. The only downside was Ted's over-dramatic flashbacks into the past which does seem inconsistent with the story but only start making sense towards the end. Leonardo DiCaprio has put on one of the most fantastic performances of this year. The movie sends down the right chills and thrills without being too scary, which put together make it an amazing watch.

Thumbs up: Leonardi DiCaprio, plot execution
Thumbs down: Some over-dramatic bits, the post-climax scene

Rating: 8.2/10


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