Saturday 3 July 2010

Genre: Drama/Mystery

Starring: Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, Lee J. Cobb, E. G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Edward Binns, Jack Warden, Henry Fonda, Joseph Sweeney, Ed Begley, George Voskovec, Robert Webber

A young 18-year-old boy has been convicted of murdering his father. He is being tried in court and the jury needs to take the final decision if he should be acquitted or served a death sentence. In order to send him to the chair, the law states that the decision of the jury should be unanimous and if even one juror has a reasonable doubt in his mind, the accused cannot be convicted. The 12 jurors are locked inside a room and given all the time they need to arrive at a conclusion. For 11 jurors the death sentence is but obvious, however, for Juror #8 (Fonda) there is a reasonable doubt in his mind and until that is cleared, a unanimous decision cannot be taken. Within the first 10 minutes when you grab the the essence of the plot, you know your in for a big treat. The greatest marvel of the movie is its simplicity and its closer-to-life replication of an event. The movie carefully includes elements and tiny sub-plots which makes the movie very realistic and practical. Things were made extremely simple and effort was taken on focusing on the most minor points even if it has no relevance to the larger picture. One can actually imagine a jury taking a decision in this fashion and if it weren't as old, it can actually pass of a as hidden camera footage within a jury room. The kind of movie that needs your attention and understanding and one that would leave you overwhelmed right till the end.

Thumbs up: Simple cover, amazing content
Thumbs down: Zilch

Rating: 8.9/10


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