Wednesday 26 October 2011

Genre: Comedy/Romance/Drama

Starring: Christopher Gorham, Alyssa Milano, Michael Landes, Tom Lenk

An aspiring writer, Ethan (Gorham) is tired of facing rejection and listening to his editor saying that his stories lack inspiration. Just when he is about to give up, he meets a waitress Jessie (Milano) and the two immediately become really great friends. Ethan starts to fall in love with her but little does he know that Jessie is dating an advertising executive, Troy (Landes). Jessie seems to love both, Troy and Ethan and neither of the men know about each other. Jessie soon realises that her life cannot go on like this and one fine day she would have to bring out the truth and select one over the other. The movie starts out being very interesting and progress is smooth and catchy. The only downfall of the movie is its climax which is not understandable, downright weird and not what one would expect from this movie. It somehow changes the entire plot with what you have been watching all this while to something completely different and what some might call it, lame. It seemed like a hurried option just to end the movie and brings down an otherwise decent watch.

Thumbs up: A good romance to watch with your lover
Thumbs down: Horrible climax

Rating: 5.7/10


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