Genre: Comedy/Adventure/Crime/Drama
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, Ken Jeong, John Goodman
When the first Hangover movie came out, the audience was flabbergasted and the movie went down in history as being an epic comedy. The second movie tried to redo the first movie in a different setting and got heavily criticized for being a remake of the first. In a bid to be different, the producers have decided to throw away the first two movies' templates and do something completely different. Alan (Galifianakis) has gone far more berserk and eccentric than before, to the extent that Phil (Cooper), Stu (Helms) and Doug (Bartha) want to send Alan away for therapy. What happens next? Doug gets kidnapped, a criminal by the name Marshall (Goodman) wants the trio to track down and find Chow (Jeong) else Doug dies. Sadly though, in a bid to be different, the movie ended by being a bit too different to the extent that there really is no 'hangover' in the movie, which essentially was the crux of the entire series. I guess you can be different but yet retain your original charm, being different does not mean going back to the drawing board from scratch. Movie is disappointing and can be called as the worst Hangover movie ever. In isolation, the movie is like any other decent comedy and fails on outright humour.
Thumbs up: Zach Galifianakis for being the only comedy aspect and an even bigger eccentric
Thumbs down: Missed everything from the original movies
Rating: 6.3/10
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