Genre: Adventure/Drama/Crime
Starring: Trieste Kelly Dunn, Lydia Hyslop, Maggie Ross, Melodie Sisk, Michael Abbott Jr.
Everyone has some or the other problem in life, but what sets us apart is how each and every one of us deals with these problems. Donna (Dunn), Lorelei (Hyslop), Sugar (Ross) and Dee-dee (Sisk), 4 middle-aged women each having some complaint with life, decide to go on a weeks vacation to the beach to get away from it all and maybe even resolve them. They are either sexually unsatisfied, have relationship issues, cannot get over their past, drug abuse or some family conflict and they hope that this trip would help them out. The vacation goes just fine when catastrophe strikes right in the middle of the week. A catastrophe that turns all their lives around and changes how almost everything happens. The movie resonates of David Lynch, although it is still very far from his kind of movies, and hence falls in the love or hate category. If movies with hidden meanings, psychological metaphors and the usual jazz that the average person fails to understand is your cup of tea, then the movie might be acceptable. On all other fronts it might get a bit drab and boring.
Thumbs up: Great performances
Thumbs down: Not to every ones liking
Rating: 5.7/10
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